Skill development from childhood

Deaf students need accessible resources to learn effectively. Textbooks and other learning materials should be available in sign language, and multimedia resources such as videos, animations, and interactive tools should be accessible with closed captions and subtitles. Additionally, technology such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and FM systems should be provided

Communication Skill

inclusion is possible only through acceptance and understanding. Eye contact is a key element for Deaf people when communicating. So when communicating with a deaf person, always keep in mind to maintain eye contact. Deaf people use their hands for communication and you’d be surprised how easy it is to convey

Deaf tryst with success

I am a proud deaf woman living in Kerala, India. My life has been a beautiful and adventurous journey. I am enjoying every minute of it. I was lucky to have parents who were very supportive of me and my ambitions from early childhood. I am confident that I can achieve